Results for 'Maria Serena Sapegno'

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    Book Review: The Cultural Politics of Emotion. [REVIEW]Maria Serena Sapegno - 2006 - Feminist Theory 7 (3):370-372.
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    Il dio nato due volte: l′etimologia nelle Baccanti tra fede religiosa e critica del mito.Maria Serena Mirto - 2010 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 154 (1).
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    La penetrazione del dolore: L’etimologia die ὀδύνη tra Omero e Platone.Maria Serena Mirto - 2011 - Hermes 139 (2):147-164.
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    Emotions, Alexithymia, and Emotion Regulation in Patients With Psoriasis.Maria Serena Panasiti, Giorgia Ponsi & Cristiano Violani - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    (R.) Omitowoju Rape and the Politics of Consent in Classical Athens. (Cambridge Classical Studies). Cambridge UP, 2002. Pp. ix + 249. £45. 0521800749. [REVIEW]Maria Serena Mirto - 2004 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 124:207-208.
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    Body ownership as a proxy for individual and social separation and connection.Marina Scattolin, Maria Serena Panasiti & Salvatore Maria Aglioti - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    Lee and Schwartz procedures of separation offer a much needed interpretation of the literature on moral cleansing. However, body ownership as a grounded mechanism of separation and connection has been neglected. We argue that embodiment may be employed to connect the self to desirable aspects of cognitive and emotional interactions and disembodiment to disconnect from undesirable elements.
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    The role of intuitions in philosophical methodology.Serena Maria Nicoli - 2016 - London, United Kingdom: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The method of philosophy. Introduction to part I -- Thought experiments -- Reflective equilibrium -- What is philosophy? Introduction to Part II and Part III -- The nature of the philosophical enterprise -- The nature of intuitive judgements -- Experimental philosophy. Empirical inquiries versus armchair investigations -- Against experimental philosophy.
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    Sleep-Related Problems in Night Shift Nurses: Towards an Individualized Interventional Practice.Valentina Alfonsi, Serena Scarpelli, Maurizio Gorgoni, Mariella Pazzaglia, Anna Maria Giannini & Luigi De Gennaro - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Rotating shifts are common among nurses to ensure continuity of care. This scheduling system encompasses several adverse health and performance consequences. One of the most injurious effects of night-time shift work is the deterioration of sleep patterns due to both circadian rhythm disruption and increased sleep homeostatic pressure. Sleep problems lead to secondary effects on other aspects of wellbeing and cognitive functioning, increasing the risk of errors and workplace accidents. A wide range of interventions has been proposed to improve the (...)
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    BEEP—Bodily and Emotional Perception of Pain. A Questionnaire to Measure Reaction to Pain in Chronic Pain Disorders.Antonio Preti, Serena Stocchino, Francesca Pinna, Maria Cristina Deidda, Mario Musu, Federica Sancassiani, Ferdinando Romano, Sergio Machado, Gabriele Finco & Mauro Giovanni Carta - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  10.  58
    Review: Parallele Leben, parallele Reflexionen. Zu Rosi Braidotti, Roberta Mazzanti, Serena Sapegno, Annamaria Tagliavani: Baby Boomers.Michaela Tardella - 2004 - Die Philosophin 15 (29):99-108.
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    Ricerche a Santa Maria Novella. Gli affreschi ritrovati di Bruno, Stefano e gli altri, a cura di Anna Bisceglia, Firenze, Mandragora 2016.Serena Romano - 2017 - Convivium 4 (2):210-213.
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    Poor Sleep Quality and Its Consequences on Mental Health During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Italy.Christian Franceschini, Alessandro Musetti, Corrado Zenesini, Laura Palagini, Serena Scarpelli, Maria Catena Quattropani, Vittorio Lenzo, Maria Francesca Freda, Daniela Lemmo, Elena Vegni, Lidia Borghi, Emanuela Saita, Roberto Cattivelli, Luigi De Gennaro, Giuseppe Plazzi, Dieter Riemann & Gianluca Castelnuovo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Effect of Parent Psychological Distress on Child Hyperactivity/Inattention During the COVID-19 Lockdown: Testing the Mediation of Parent Verbal Hostility and Child Emotional Symptoms.Daniela Marchetti, Lilybeth Fontanesi, Serena Di Giandomenico, Cristina Mazza, Paolo Roma & Maria Cristina Verrocchio - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The coronavirus disease 2019 health crisis is strongly affecting the psychological well-being of the general population. According to a very recent literature, the imposed lockdown and social distancing measures have generated a series of negative outcomes, including fear of the future, anxiety, and somatization symptoms. Few studies have investigated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the well-being of parents and children, and still fewer studies have assessed the relationship between the psychological health of parents and children. The present study (...)
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    Exploring the Emotional Experience During Instant Messaging Among Young Adults: An Experimental Study Incorporating Physiological Correlates of Arousal.Anne-Linda Camerini, Laura Marciano, Anna Maria Annoni, Alexander Ort & Serena Petrocchi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Instant messaging is a highly diffused form of communication among younger populations, yet little is known about the emotional experience during IM. The present study aimed to investigate the emotional experience during IM by drawing on the Circumplex Model of Affect and measuring heart rate and electrodermal activity as indicators of arousal in addition to self-reported perceived emotional valence. Using an experimental design, we manipulated message latency and message valence. Based on data collected from 65 young adults, we observed arousal (...)
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    Decision Theory and Choices: A Complexity Approach.Marisa Faggini, Concetto Paolo Vinci, Antonio Abatemarco, Rossella Aiello, F. T. Arecchi, Lucio Biggiero, Giovanna Bimonte, Sergio Bruno, Carl Chiarella, Maria Pia Di Gregorio, Giacomo Di Tollo, Simone Giansante, Jaime Gil Aluja, A. I͡U Khrennikov, Marianna Lyra, Riccardo Meucci, Guglielmo Monaco, Giancarlo Nota, Serena Sordi, Pietro Terna, Kumaraswamy Velupillai & Alessandro Vercelli (eds.) - 2010 - Springer Verlag Italia.
    The New Economic Windows Series, derived from Massimo Salzano's ideas and work, incorporates material from textbooks, monographs and conference proceedings that deals with both the theoretical and applied aspects of various sub-disciplines ...
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    Death in the Greek World: From Homer to the Classical Age by Maria Serena Mirto (review).Joseph W. Day - 2013 - American Journal of Philology 134 (2):337-340.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Death in the Greek World: From Homer to the Classical Age by Maria Serena MirtoJoseph W. DayMaria Serena Mirto. Death in the Greek World: From Homer to the Classical Age. Trans. by A. M. Osborne. Oklahoma Series in Classical Culture 44 Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2012. x + 197 pp. 10 black-and-white figs. Paper, $19.95.Mirto (with Osborne) has given us a readable book on (...)
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    Comunitarismo versus liberalismo. Estado de la cuestion.María Elósegui Ltxaso - 1998 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43 (2):287-302.
    Ante el tema constituye necesidad de fuerza mayor apuntar los últimos avances y progresos en el debate liberalismo-comunitarismo.1 El presente artículo pretende llamar la atención sobre la riqueza e interés del mismo, rernitiendo a la bibliografia más reciente. La aparición en los dos últimos anos de obras como las de Rawls, Dworkin y Habermas,4 que prestan una indudable atención a las críticas y propuestas comunitaristas precisan de un proceso de asimilación y de reflexión serena.
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    On memory, nostalgia, and the temporal expression of Josquin’s Ave Maria… virgo serena.Jessica Wiskus - 2019 - Continental Philosophy Review 52 (4):397-413.
    I draw upon Edmund Husserl’s classic text, On the Phenomenology of the Consciousness of Internal Time, in order to reframe some of his insight regarding the structures of inner time-consciousness and lay the groundwork for a few claims of my own. First, I show how musical expression is constituted in relation to the flowing movement of absolute subjectivity. Moreover, by carefully distinguishing between retention and recollection, I clarify, on the one hand, music’s ability to support access to memory proper and, (...)
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  19. La lingua e l'arte di Cecco Angiolieri'.Natalino Sapegno - 1929 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 1:371-82.
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  20. "Prolegomena for a Feminist Dramaturgy of the Feminine":(Interview: Dacia Maraini with Serena Anderlini).Serena Anderlini - forthcoming - Diacritics.
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    Justice, markets, and the family: an interview with Serena Olsaretti.Serena Olsaretti - 2016 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 9 (2):181.
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    Liberty, Desert and the Market: A Philosophical Study.Serena Olsaretti - 2004 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Are inequalities of income created by the free market just? In this book Serena Olsaretti examines two main arguments that justify those inequalities: the first claims that they are just because they are deserved, and the second claims that they are just because they are what free individuals are entitled to. Both these arguments purport to show, in different ways, that giving responsible individuals their due requires that free market inequalities in incomes be allowed. Olsaretti argues, however, that neither (...)
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  23.  21
    No Refuge: Ethics and the Global Refugee Crisis.Serena Parekh - 2020 - Oup Usa.
    Drawing from extensive, eye-opening first-person accounts, No Refuge puts a spotlight on the millions of refugees worldwide who have to leave home but find nowhere to resettle. As political philosopher Serena Parekh argues, this is not just a problem for politicians. Citizens also have a moral duty to help resolve the global refugee crisis and to end the suffering and denial of human rights that refugee are forced to endure, often for years. While the media usually focus on the (...)
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  24. Desert and justice.Serena Olsaretti (ed.) - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Does justice require that individuals get what they deserve? Serena Olsaretti brings together new essays by leading moral and political philosophers examining the relation between desert and justice; they also illuminate the nature of distributive justice, and the relationship between desert and other values, such as equality and responsibility.
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    Refugees and the Ethics of Forced Displacement.Serena Parekh - 2016 - Routledge.
    This book is a philosophical analysis of the ethical treatment of refugees and stateless people, a group of people who, though extremely important politically, have been greatly under theorized philosophically. The limited philosophical discussion of refugees by philosophers focuses narrowly on the question of whether or not we, as members of Western states, have moral obligations to admit refugees into our countries. This book reframes this debate and shows why it is important to think ethically about people who will never (...)
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  26. Children as Public Goods?Serena Olsaretti - 2013 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 41 (3):226-258.
  27. Responsibility and the consequences of choice.Serena Olsaretti - 2009 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 109 (1pt2):165-188.
    Contemporary egalitarian theories of justice constrain the demands of equality by responsibility, and do not view as unjust inequalities that are traceable to individuals' choices. This paper argues that, in order to make non-arbitrary determinate judgements of responsibility, any theory of justice needs a principle of stakes , that is, an account of what consequences choices should have. The paper also argues that the principles of stakes seemingly presupposed by egalitarians are implausible, and that adopting alternative principles of stakes amounts (...)
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  28. Do We Adopt the Intentional Stance Toward Humanoid Robots?Serena Marchesi, Davide Ghiglino, Francesca Ciardo, Jairo Perez-Osorio, Ebru Baykara & Agnieszka Wykowska - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Oxford Handbook of Distributive Justice.Serena Olsaretti (ed.) - 2018 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Distributive justice has come to the fore in political philosophy: how should we arrange our social and economic institutions so as to distribute benefits and burdens fairly? Thirty-two leading figures from philosophy and political theory present specially written critical assessments of the key issues in this flourishing area of research.
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  30. Freedom, force and choice: Against the rights-based definition of voluntariness.Serena Olsaretti - 1998 - Journal of Political Philosophy 6 (1):53–78.
  31. Distributive justice and compensatory desert.Serena Olsaretti - 2003 - In Desert and justice. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The compensatory desert argument is an argument that purports to justify inequalities in (some) incomes generated by a free labour market. It holds, first, that the principle of compensation is a principle of desert; second, that a distribution justified by a principle of desert is just; and third, that (some) rewards people reap on a free labour market are compensation for costs they incur. It concludes that therefore, a distribution of (some) rewards generated by a free labour market is just. (...)
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    Thirty years of artificial intelligence and law: the third decade.Serena Villata, Michal Araszkiewicz, Kevin Ashley, Trevor Bench-Capon, L. Karl Branting, Jack G. Conrad & Adam Wyner - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 30 (4):561-591.
    The first issue of Artificial Intelligence and Law journal was published in 1992. This paper offers some commentaries on papers drawn from the Journal’s third decade. They indicate a major shift within Artificial Intelligence, both generally and in AI and Law: away from symbolic techniques to those based on Machine Learning approaches, especially those based on Natural Language texts rather than feature sets. Eight papers are discussed: two concern the management and use of documents available on the World Wide Web, (...)
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    Reframing the refugee crisis: from rescue to interconnection.Serena Parekh - 2020 - Ethics and Global Politics 13 (1):21-32.
    In this paper I argue that we should not frame the debate over whether or not we have duties to help refugees in terms of duties of rescue. This way of framing the issue, where Western states are depicted as rescuing refugees from harms unconnected to them, does not adequately represent the reality experienced by refugees in the 21 st century. I suggest that we need a framework that includes the secondary harms experienced by refugees as they try to seek (...)
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  34. The Functional Role of Dreaming in Emotional Processes.Serena Scarpelli, Chiara Bartolacci, Aurora D'Atri, Maurizio Gorgoni & Luigi De Gennaro - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Caring for Health Professionals in the COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency: Toward an “Epidemic of Empathy” in Healthcare.Serena Barello & Guendalina Graffigna - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Stressors and Resources for Healthcare Professionals During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Lesson Learned From Italy.Serena Barello, Lorenzo Palamenghi & Guendalina Graffigna - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  37. Beyond the ethics of admission.Serena Parekh - 2014 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 40 (7):645-663.
    This article examines our moral obligations to refugees and stateless people. I argue that in order to understand our moral obligations to stateless people, both de jure refugees and de facto stateless people, we ought to reconceptualize the harm of statelessness as entailing both a legal/political harm (the loss of citizenship) and an ontological harm, a deprivation of certain fundamental human qualities. To do this, I draw on the work of Hannah Arendt and show that the ontological deprivation has three (...)
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  38. Endorsement and freedom in Amartya Sen's capability approach.Serena Olsaretti - 2005 - Economics and Philosophy 21 (1):89-108.
    A central question for assessing the merits of Amartya Sen's capability approach as a potential answer to the “distribution of what”? question concerns the exact role and nature of freedom in that approach. Sen holds that a person's capability identifies that person's effective freedom to achieve valuable states of beings and doings, or functionings, and that freedom so understood, rather than achieved functionings themselves, is the primary evaluative space. Sen's emphasis on freedom has been criticised by G. A. Cohen, according (...)
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    Children as negative externalities?Serena Olsaretti - 2017 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 16 (2):152-173.
    Egalitarian theories assume, without defending it, the view that the costs of children should be shared between non-parents and parents. This standard position is called into question by the Parental Provision view. Drawing on the familiar idea that people should be held responsible for the consequences of their choices, the Parental Provision view holds that under certain conditions egalitarian justice requires parents to pay for the full costs of their children, as it would be unfair for non-parents to bear the (...)
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    Debates about Conflict of Interest in Medicine: Deconstructing a Divided Discourse.Serena Purdy, Miles Little, Christopher Mayes & Wendy Lipworth - 2017 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (1):135-149.
    The pharmaceutical industry plays an increasingly dominant role in healthcare, raising concerns about “conflicts of interest” on the part of the medical professionals who interact with the industry. However, there is considerable disagreement over the extent to which COI is a problem and how it should be managed. Participants in debates about COI have become entrenched in their views, which is both unproductive and deeply confusing for the majority of medical professionals trying to work in an increasingly commercialized environment. We (...)
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  41. Unmasking Equality? Kagan on Equality and Desert.Serena Olsaretti - 2002 - Utilitas 14 (3):387-400.
  42. Getting to the Root of Gender Inequality: Structural Injustice and Political Responsibility.Serena Parekh - 2011 - Hypatia 26 (4):672-689.
    In this paper, I argue that there is a philosophical basis for the claim that states can be held responsible for structural injustices such as gender discrimination and violence—a claim that has been made in international human rights documents, but one that has not gained much normative force. To show this, I draw on and develop Iris Young's notion of “political responsibility.” The purpose of political responsibility is not to find fault or blame the state for a past wrong, but (...)
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  43. Hannah Arendt and the Challenge of Modernity: A Phenomenology of Human Rights.Serena Parekh - 2007 - New York: Routledge.
    _Hannah Arendt and the Challenge of Modernity_ explores the theme of human rights in the work of Hannah Arendt. Parekh argues that Arendt's contribution to this debate has been largely ignored because she does not speak in the same terms as contemporary theoreticians of human rights. Beginning by examining Arendt’s critique of human rights, and the concept of "a right to have rights" with which she contrasts the traditional understanding of human rights, Parekh goes on to analyze some of the (...)
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    eHealth for Patient Engagement: A Systematic Review.Serena Barello, Stefano Triberti, Guendalina Graffigna, Chiara Libreri, Silvia Serino, Judith Hibbard & Giuseppe Riva - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Debate: The concept of voluntariness—a reply.Serena Oslaretti - 2007 - Journal of Political Philosophy 16 (1):112–121.
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    Emotions and personality traits in argumentation: An empirical evaluation1.Serena Villata, Elena Cabrio, Imène Jraidi, Sahbi Benlamine, Maher Chaouachi, Claude Frasson & Fabien Gandon - 2017 - Argument and Computation 8 (1):61-87.
    Argumentation is a mechanism to support different forms of reasoning such as decision making and persuasion and always cast under the light of critical thinking. In the latest years, several comput...
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  47. Rescuing justice and equality from libertarianism.Serena Olsaretti - 2013 - Economics and Philosophy 29 (1):43-63.
    One of the central motifs of G. A. Cohen's work was his opposition to capitalism in the name of justice. This motif was fully in view in Cohen's work on Robert Nozick's libertarianism: Cohen carefully reconstructed and relentlessly criticized Nozick's apologetics of the free market, which, he thought, was internally coherent but unconvincing. This article suggests that Cohen's opposition to libertarianism did not, however, go far enough, and identifies two respects in which Cohen's position could and should have been more (...)
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  48. Does ordinary injustice make extraordinary injustice possible? Gender, structural injustice, and the ethics of refugee determination.Serena Parekh - 2012 - Journal of Global Ethics 8 (2-3):269-281.
    Our understanding of the impact of gender on refugee determination has evolved greatly over the last 60 years. Though many people initially believed that women could not be persecuted qua women, it is now frequently recognized that certain forms of gender-related persecution are sufficient to warrant asylum. Yet despite this conceptual progress, many states are still reluctant to consider certain forms of gender-related persecution to be sufficient to warrant asylum or refugee status. One reason for this continued bias is the (...)
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    Eye-closure increases children's memory accuracy for visual material.Serena Mastroberardino & Annelies Vredeveldt - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  50. Agents and their actions.Maria Alvarez & John Hyman - 1998 - Philosophy 73 (2):219-245.
    In the past thirty years or so, the doctrine that actions are events has become an essential, and sometimes unargued, part of the received view in the philosophy of action, despite the efforts of a few philosophers to undermine the consensus. For example, the entry for Agency in a recently published reference guide to the philosophy of mind begins with the following sentence: A central task in the philosophy of action is that of spelling out the differences between events in (...)
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